1 Man
1 Rowboat
2,400 miles…alone

San Francisco → Great Pacific Garbage Patch →Honolulu

Endurance athlete Terence Steinberg talks about RESILIENCE

Terence Steinberg &
the United World Challenge

Terence Steinberg is an endurance artist whose journey began when he asked himself a simple question: what are my limits? He spent the next ten years competing in Ironman triathlons and ultramarathons up to 145 miles nonstop – and learned that human performance is defined as much by emotion as by chemistry. Inspired by this idea and its potential to help others, Terence is now preparing for his biggest adventure yet: rowing solo and unsupported across the Pacific Ocean from San Francisco to Hawaii. He’s neither sailor nor rower by background and launched the United World Challenge, the Pacific row, to inspire others to believe more in themselves and in the opportunity for a better tomorrow.


The Mission

What dream is hidden deep inside you? How many times have you told yourself I can’t, it's not feasible, maybe later, no matter how badly it calls to you?


The Challenge

Beginning June 2020, Terence Steinberg will attempt to solo row from San Francisco to Hawaii, a grueling journey fewer than 10 people have ever completed.

Terence will row more than 12 hours per day for months on end. The motivation? To pay forward his UWC experience and show that with the right attitude and preparation, anything is possible.

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