Use This Entrepreneurial Tool to Start the New Year Positively

Happy New Year, everyone! What a fun time of year. Here we are all together as entrepreneurs on this journey, finishing out quite the year and beginning a New Year. What an amazing time to turn over a new leaf and maybe do things different next year. Maybe the context around us will also be different in the year ahead.

So, I’m really, really excited about 2022, and I think I always start the year with a lot of excitement and momentum. Many of us as entrepreneurs do as well, right? It’s going to be the best year ever if you survey large groups of entrepreneurs, they’ll always tell you even in a depression that revenue’s going to be up 5-10% next year because we’re optimists.

As we start to think big and dream about the year ahead, that’s probably what’s on our minds. And then something comes along and it blindsides us, and it’s difficult, and maybe we struggle for a moment and we start to doubt ourselves. We start to wonder if we are as strong or as creative or as amazing as we thought we were in the beginning. And sometimes it can take a little while for us to get back on our feet again, and then we go again, and we push again until the next obstacle.

As we’re starting the year, we want you to take a moment right now to think about something that is likely to be that first big roadblock coming up in 2022. It could be something in the next week as you start a new project, start with a new client, go try and land new clients, whatever it may be. it might be something in Q1, because we’ve started the year with some momentum from Q4, and then we’re going to run into something that’s new or challenging. It might even be later in the year.

It doesn’t matter what it is, but the first thing that comes to mind for you as the potential roadblock, the potential thing, the speed bump, the bump in the road that’s going to blindside you and set you back a little bit. Or just something we’re fearful of, that we realize is a big challenge coming up. Again, that’s either next week, or in Q1, or whenever we think that big thing is that’s coming up.

What we want you to do is take that event and walk through the visualization practice in the Founders First app. And the unique spin we’re going to put on it here is around positivity, making sure that we are thinking about the most positive way this event that’s coming up soon could happen.

The process that works us through in the visualization tool is around visualizing kind of a normal expected case version of it, the thing we might stumble into with our default behavior without planning ahead. And then rewinding the script on it and playing it forward from the beginning again with the most positive version of the way it could go.

What we want to challenge you to do this week is identify what that challenge is for you - be very specific about it - visualize it actually happening and follow the visualization practice (again, go through the default state in the beginning, and then you go through a positive version of it), and try to repeat that process once a day. You can do it anytime - morning, evening, afternoon - whatever works for your schedule. Once a day each day through the beginning of the New Year.

The visualization tool is one of many tools available in the Founders First mindstate tracking app for entrepreneurs. See all the tools and get personalized recommendations on how to best invest your time each day based on your current mindstate by trying the app free for 7 days.

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