The Only Mental Wellness App Focused on FOUNDER Wellness

There are a lot of mental wellness apps out there that offer a lot of the same thing - recorded content and mindfulness tools like meditation that target problems anyone might have like sleep and anxiety.

The Founders First app is specifically for entrepreneurs. We’re not simply offering general wellness tools; our content has been purposefully curated for founders by founders. Research shows that running a startup can be one of the most stressful paths you can take. Founders experience many of the same stresses and worries that keep the typical professional up at night, plus the heavy burden of responsibility that comes with leading a team, financial risk, customers and sometimes even investors.

While the wellness practices that we offer help to improve general areas like sleep and anxiety, we also offer tools that boost creativity for complex problem solving, energy to protect against burnout, and focus to avoid the numerous distractions that pull entrepreneurs away from what matters most.

What’s more is that these tools are specifically recommended based on the founder’s current mindstate. We’ll discuss how journal entries work in greater detail in a later post, but for now consider the fact that only specific tools are recommended once the entrepreneur has recorded a daily entry that quantifies their current mental state.

Plus, the areas of focus in the journal are common areas where founders tend to struggle - specifically with mental health disorders including anxiety, attention deficit disorder, ADHD, substance abuse, depression, and bipolar disorder. The app aims not only to supply entrepreneurs with tools to improve fleeting moods, but also to build new habits around bettering oneself as both a founder and a human being. 

One thing that entrepreneurs tend to struggle with most is balancing life outside of work. Founders often have a difficult time separating themselves from their businesses, meaning they deeply believe that the success of their company is directly related to their success as a person. The Founders First app serves as a reminder that you are a person outside of your business, and that your mental health matters when you’re building a company.

The simple fact is that the entrepreneurial industry is in crisis. Founders are 2x more likely to report depression, 3x more likely to abuse substances, 6x more likely to have ADHD, and 11x more likely to report bipolar disorder than the average professional.

The Founders First app works to create a common language among fellow entrepreneurs to break the barrier between pretending it’s not happening and actually talking about it with peers, coworkers, family, and friends. More than that, the app aims to bring attention and scope to what entrepreneurs are feeling right now, and the ways in which they can form new habits to improve their mental health and performance.

Join over 3,000 founders dedicated to breaking the stigma of mental health in entrepreneurship and try the Founders First mental wellness app FREE for 7 days.

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Founders First is a set of evaluation tools that will improve your business by strengthening its most critical asset: You.

Are You An Entrepreneur Struggling with the Personal Impacts of Stress?

Let us show you a revolutionary program that’s transforming the lives of entrepreneurs just like you.

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Founders First is a set of evaluation tools that will improve your business by strengthening its most critical asset: You.

Founders Forum is a live show where we talk about mental health in entrepreneurship and how to build resilience to stay stronger, happier, and be more successful.


The Only Mental Wellness App That Allows You To Work With Others


Improve Mental Focus to Help Solve Your Business’s Biggest Problems