Entrepreneurs, Boost Your Productivity & Win $839 in Free Gifts this Founder Wellness Friday, 11/26

In the spirit of the holidays, at Founders First we’re giving entrepreneurs free products, subscriptions and gift cards to all the places that support their mental wellness. To win one of the packages, follow us on Twitter over the next 4 weeks, and leave a comment on each giveaway Tweet to enter to win.

Each giveaway has a different mental wellness theme (productivity, creativity, calm and motivation) and includes tools that help entrepreneurs thrive in that area while supporting and protecting their minds.

The first giveaway is all about productivity and the prizes are valued at $839. To boost your productivity as an entrepreneur, this package includes:

  1. 1-Year Subscription to Trello Premium ($120 value)

  2. Forever License to Freedom Premium ($129 value)

  3. 1-Year Subscription to Founders First ($240 value)

  4. $100 Gift Card to Mindbody

  5. $250 Gift Card to Ned

Each of these products and tools support personal productivity as an entrepreneur in a different way.

Trello is a popular project management tool that allows you to organize your projects and collaborate with others by creating boards, lists, and goals. Trello Premium is best for teams or coordination among numerous contractors on a project. It affords you more control over permissions, and even allows automation commands. Learn more about how Trello Premium differs from their Free and Standard packages.

Freedom is an app and website blocker that allows you to focus on what matters most. Freedom helps you manage distractions by blocking social media, email, gaming, and more - whatever you deem most distracting. Freedom Premium allows unlimited sessions and devices, advanced scheduling, and even provides music and ambient sounds to support your ability to focus. In partnership with Founders First, Freedom is giving one lucky entrepreneur a Freedom Forever license, allowing access to their Premium benefits for a lifetime! Learn more about Freedom Premium and its features and benefits.

Founders First is the mental wellness app for entrepreneurs, delivering self-awareness, personalized guidance, and accountability that makes the entrepreneurial experience easier on the entrepreneur. Start to understand your unique mind, follow simple recommendations, commit to activities that improve your mental wellness, and get motivation from fellow entrepreneurs who are committed to building great companies without burning themselves out along the way. It’s a great way to support the underlying emotional factors for productivity, so you don’t suffer from low energy days where nothing gets done. Learn more about how entrepreneurs use Founders First to support their mental wellness.

Mindbody is a network of wellness providers delivering in-person and virtual classes and services. It’s a one-stop source for fitness memberships, workout classes, beauty appointments, and more. With the Mindbody app, you’ll find a local yoga studio to schedule your first class, or maybe connect with a local massage therapist and schedule a much-needed moment to unwind. Learn more about the Mindbody app.

Ned offers sustainably-sourced natural remedies that help people feel better and live better. Their functional supplements include oils, teas, capsules, and topical ointments. Ned’s Sleep Blend is an oil supplement that aids in deeper sleep and allows you to wake up refreshed and ready to tackle the day ahead. In partnership with Founders First, Ned is generously giving a $250 gift card to one lucky entrepreneur. Learn more about how Ned is changing lives with their supplements.

The holiday season is difficult for everyone, but especially for entrepreneurs as many of us never really get the opportunity to unplug. By offering this giveaway, we hope to ease some of the stress that derails productivity for entrepreneurs this time of year.

The productivity package giveaway takes place on Twitter on Friday, November 26th, 2021 at 12:00pm Mountain Time. In order to enter, simply reply with your favorite holiday dish. The lucky winner will be announced on Twitter on Wednesday, December 1, 2021.

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Founders First is a set of evaluation tools that will improve your business by strengthening its most critical asset: You.

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Founders First is a set of evaluation tools that will improve your business by strengthening its most critical asset: You.

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Entrepreneurs, Improve Creativity and Win $680 in Free Gifts this Founder Wellness Friday, 12/3


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